Release Notes



Interacting with the system through kalite/ has now been deprecated. Please use the kalite executable under the bin/ folder. Run bin/kalite -h for more details.

If you are pulling the source from git, you will need to run the setup command to complete the upgrade. From the base directory run:

/path/to/python/interpreter bin/kalite manage setup

On Windows, use the bin\windows\kalite.bat in the cmd.exe prompt:

bin\windows\kalite.bat manage setup

When you are asked whether or not to delete your database, you should choose to keep your database! You will also be prompted to download an assessment items package, or to specify the location if you have already downloaded it. If you wish to download the package and specify the location during the setup process:

  • Download the assessment items package here. Save it in the same folder as the setup script.
  • During the setup process you will see the prompt “Do you wish to download the assessment items package now?”. Type “no” and press enter to continue.
  • You will then see the prompt “Have you already downloaded the assessment items package?”. Type “yes” and press enter.
  • Finally, you will see a prompt that begins with “Please enter the filename of the assessment items package you have downloaded”. A recommened file may appear in parentheses – if this is the file you downloaded, then press enter. Otherwise, enter the name of the file you downloaded. (Absolute paths are okay, as are paths relative to the directory you are running the setup script from.)



Internet Explorer 8 is no longer supported in this version. Please use a newer browser, or stick to version 0.12 to maintain compatibility.

Raspberry Pi

If you’re updating a current Raspberry Pi installation, make sure to put this in your to avoid slow performance: