Getting started¶
These directions may be out of date! This page needs to be consolidated with the Getting Started page on our wiki.
Recommended setup¶
KA Lite is like a normal django project, if you have done Django before, you will recognize most of these steps.
Check out the project from our github
Create a virtual environment “kalite” that you will work in:
sudo pip install virtualenvwrapper mkvirtualenv kalite workon kalite
Install kalite in your virtualenv in “editable” mode, meaning that the source is just linked:
cd path/to/repo pip install -e .
Install additional development tools:
pip install -r requirements_dev.txt
Build static assets such as javascript:
make assets
Run the setup, which will bootstrap the database:
kalite manage setup
Run a development server and use development settings like this:
kalite manage runserver
You can also change your ~/.kalite/
to point to
by default, then you do not have to specify –settings=… every time you run kalite.
Now, every time you work on your development environment, just remember to switch on your virtual environment with workon kalite
Static vs. Dynamic version¶
Apart from Python itself, KA Lite depends on a couple of python applications, mainly from the Django ecosystem. These dependencies can be installed in two ways:
- Dynamic: Means dependencies are automatically installed through PIP as a separate software package accessible to your whole system. This is recommended if you run KA Lite and have internet access while installing and updating.
- Static: Static means that KA Lite is installed with all the external dependencies bundled in. Use this method if you need to have KA Lite installed from offline media or if KA Lite’s dependencies are in conflict with the system that you install upon.
You can install KA Lite in its very own separate environment that does not interfere with other Python software on your machine like this:
pip install virtualenv virtualenvwrapper
mkvirtualenv my-kalite-env
workon my-kalite-env
pip install ka-lite
Running tests¶
On Circle CI, we run Selenium 2.53.6 because it works in their environment. However, for more recent versions of Firefox, you need to upgrade Selenium:
pip install selenium\<3.5 --upgrade
To run all of the tests (this is slow):
kalite manage test
To skip BDD tests (because they are slow):
kalite manage test --no-bdd
To run a specific test (not a BDD test), add an argument <app>.<TestClass>
kalite manage test updates.TestDownload --no-bdd
To run a specific item from Behavior-Driven Integration Tests, use <app>.<feature_module_name>
kalite manage test distributed.content_rating --bdd-only