The kalite
Once installed, a new command kalite
is available from your terminal:
# Start the server in the background (as a daemon)
kalite start
# Stop the server
kalite stop
# Stop and start the server in the background (as a daemon)
kalite restart
# Runs a foreground process where you can see output of the server
kalite start --foreground
# Show available commands
kalite manage help
When the KA Lite software is installed using a .deb package, on Ubuntu, Debian, or Raspbian, do not use the kalite
command directly. Instead, use system commands like sudo service ka-lite start
, sudo service ka-lite stop
or sudo service ka-lite restart
Using the package ka-lite-raspberry-pi
, it runs on a different port.
These configurations will not be active if you run a kalite
command from your own command line.
KA Lite Command Line Interface (CLI)¶
Auto-generated usage instructions from kalite -h
KA Lite (Khan Academy Lite)
Supported by Foundation for Learning Equality
kalite start [--foreground] [options] [DJANGO_OPTIONS ...]
kalite stop [options] [DJANGO_OPTIONS ...]
kalite restart [options] [DJANGO_OPTIONS ...]
kalite status [options]
kalite shell [options] [DJANGO_OPTIONS ...]
kalite test [options] [DJANGO_OPTIONS ...]
kalite manage [options] COMMAND [DJANGO_OPTIONS ...]
kalite diagnose [options]
kalite -h | --help
kalite --version
-h --help Show this screen.
--version Show version.
COMMAND The name of any available django manage command. For
help, type `kalite manage help`
--debug Output debug messages (for development)
--port=<arg> Use a non-default port on which to start the HTTP server
or to query an existing server (stop/status)
--settings=<arg> Specify Django's settings module. Must follow python's
import syntax.
--skip-job-scheduler KA Lite runs a so-called "cronograph", it's own built-in
automatic job scheduler required for downloading videos
and sync'ing with online sources. If you don't need this
you can skip it!
DJANGO_OPTIONS All options are passed on to the django manage command.
Notice that all django options must appear *last* and
should not be mixed with other options. Only long-name
options ('--long-name') are supported.
kalite start Start KA Lite
kalite status How is KA Lite doing?
kalite stop Stop KA Lite
kalite shell Display a Django shell
kalite manage help Show the Django management usage dialogue
kalite diagnose Show system information for debugging
kalite start --foreground Run kalite in the foreground and do not go to
daemon mode.
Planned features:
Universal --verbose option and --debug option. Shows INFO level and DEBUG
level from logging.. depends on proper logging being introduced and
settings.LOGGERS. Currently, --debug just tells cherrypy to do "debug" mode.